
デイヴィッド バラシュ, ジュディス リプトン, David P. Barash, Judith Eve Lipton, 松田 和也: 本


--このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。


In "The Myth of Monogamy", David Barash describes how new research investigating sex in the animal world concludes there is simply no question whether sexual desire for multiple partners is natural. It is. Similarly, there is no question of monogamy being natural. It isn't. Using DNA fingerprinting technology biologists have been able to trace the parenthood of animals and have found that even among those species previously thought to be monogamous, cheating on your mate is the rule for both sexes. The book explores why animals cheat, some prostitute themselves for food or protection, while others strive for genetically superior mates. "The Myth of Monogamy" also explores what the implications of these dramatic findings mean for humans, in terms of relationships, parenting, aggression and more. --このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。






Shattering deeply held beliefs about sexual relationships in humans and other animals, The Myth of Monogamy is a much needed treatment of a sensitive issue. Written by the husband and wife team of behavioral scientist David P. Barash and psychiatrist Judith Eve Lipton, it glows with wit and warmth even as it explores decades of research undermining traditional precepts of mating rituals. Evidence from genetic testing has been devastating to those seeking monogamy in the animal kingdom; even many birds, long prized as examples of fidelity, turn out to have a high incidence of extra-pair couplings.
Furthermore, now that researchers have turned their attention to female sexual behavior, they are finding more and more examples of aggressive adultery-seeking in "the fairer sex." Writing about humans in the context of parental involvement, the authors find complexity and humor:
Baby people are more like baby birds than baby mammals. To be sure, newborn cats and dogs are helpless, but this helplessness doesn't last for long. By contrast, infant Homo sapiens remain helpless for months ... and then they become helpless toddlers! Who in turn graduate to being virtually helpless youngsters. (And then? Clueless adolescents.) So there may be some payoff to women in being mated to a monogamous man, after all.

Careful to separate scientific description from moral prescription, Barash and Lipton still poke a little fun at our conceptions of monogamy and other kinds of relationships as "natural" or "unnatural." Shoring themselves up against the inevitable charges that their reporting will weaken the institution of marriage, they make sure to note that monogamy works well for most of those who desire it and that one of our uniquely human traits is our ability to overcome biology in some instances. If, as some claim, monogamy has been a tool used by men to assert property rights over women, then perhaps one day The Myth of Monogamy will be seen as a milestone for women's liberation. --Rob Lightner
--このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。



Shattering deeply held beliefs about sexual relationships in humans and other animals, The Myth of Monogamy is a much-needed treatment of a sensitive issue. Written by the husband and wife team of behavioural scientist David P Barash and psychiatrist Judith Eve Lipton, it glows with wit and warmth even as it explores decades of research undermining traditional precepts of mating rituals. Evidence from genetic testing has been devastating to those seeking monogamy in the animal kingdom; even many birds, long prized as examples of fidelity, turn out to have a high incidence of extra-pair couplings. Furthermore, now that researchers have turned their attention to female sexual behaviour, they are finding more and more examples of aggressive adultery-seeking in "the fairer sex". Writing about humans in the context of parental involvement, the authors find complexity and humour:
Baby people are more like baby birds than baby mammals. To be sure, newborn cats and dogs are helpless but this helplessness doesn't last for long. By contrast, infant Homo sapiens remain helpless for months... and then they become helpless toddlers! Who in turn graduate to being virtually helpless youngsters. (And then? Clueless adolescents.) So there may be some payoff to women in being mated to a monogamous man after all.
Careful to separate scientific description from moral prescription, Barash and Lipton still poke a little fun at our conceptions of monogamy and other kinds of relationships as "natural" or "unnatural." Shoring themselves up against the inevitable charge that their reporting will weaken the institution of marriage, they make sure to note that monogamy works well for most of those who desire it and that one of our uniquely human traits is our ability to overcome biology in some instances. If, as some claim, monogamy has been a tool used by men to assert property rights over women, then perhaps one day The Myth of Monogamy will be seen as a milestone for women's liberation. --Rob Lightner --このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。

Book Description

"I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN." Few will forget former President Bill Clinton's infamous words and the impeachment that followed, nor the eventual outings of infidelities by powerful political figures like Jesse Jackson, Newt Gingrich, and Gary Hart. Politicians aren't alone; actors, rock stars, sports figures, and other celebrities caught in the act often find their star tarnished as a result. Recently actress Meg Ryan lost her America's sweetheart status when her affair with fellow-actor Russell Crowe was announced to the world. And let's not forget "the average Joe.
" Several "regular" people felt the sting of public disapproval when they agreed to air their private transgressions publicly on the wildly successful television series "Temptation Island."

But the question is, "why?" If infidelity is so popular among the populace, why is it still stigmatized? Why are the perpetrators often vilified? If "everyone's doing it," why are impeachments made and careers and lives ruined when sexual wanderings are publicly exposed? And if everyone knows what can happen, why do they stray from their monogamous relationships in the first place?

The answers to these and other questions can be found in the book, THE MYTH OF MONOGAMY: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People by husband and wife co-authors David P. Barash, Ph.D. and Judith Eve Lipton, M.D., in which they argue that despite the public's shock and surprise surrounding these infidelities, cheating on one's spouse is the rule; not the exception.

In this alluring book, Barash, a zoologist and psychology professor, and Lipton, a psychiatrist, contend that the unfaithful behavior displayed by so many in our culture is natural and that, in truth, the unnatural behavior is the attempted practice of monogamy. They maintain "there is no evidence, either from biology, primatology, or anthropology, that monogamy is somehow "natural" or "normal" for human beings. There is by contrast, abundant evidence that people have long been prone to have multiple sexual partners."

THE MYTH OF MONOGAMY sites numerous biological, psychological, and sociological studies on humans and animals to prove that males and females are not naturally monogamous in any society, be it human, animal, or insect, and that women as well as men are biologically predisposed to cheat on their mates. In it, Barash and Lipton effectively show that from fleas to birds to monkeys to human beings, all manner of wildlife engage in the practice of EPCs or extra-pair copulations for a variety of reasons, and that EPCs are not the exclusive domain of the male animal. Females too can be counted upon to go looking for a more powerful mate, if they deem their own to be less so (lending a possible explanation for why Clinton, Jackson, and their ilk are successful in finding willing partners).

Furthermore, using the same DNA technology useful for identifying unknown soldiers or freeing the falsely convicted, biologists have discovered that even animals long thought to be monogamous are far from it:

"When we examine the genes of baby birds, even those species long thought to be absolute paragons of monogamous fidelity, we find that 10, 20, sometimes 30 percent of the offspring are not genetically connected to the socially identified father . . . But only now, with the accumulation of literally dozens of research studies using DNA data, do we know for sure: Females, even females in species long thought to be sexually faithful, often are not."

Armed with this new DNA evidence, scientists have also been able to explain:

  • Why animals cheat,
  • Why the myth of monogamy was created,
  • How men and women were sucked into the monogamy hoax,
  • How big a role procreation plays in the desire to have several sexual partners,
  • Who stands to gain the most by perpetuating the myth of monogamy.

Does this mean that the faithfully monogamous segment of the population can be classified as freaks? Not at all, declare Barash and Lipton who, despite their findings, still respect and support the monogamous love union. In their estimation: "The perfect fit of a good monogamous marriage is made, not born. And despite the fact that much of our biology seems to tug in the opposite direction, such marriages can in fact be made. It is an everyday miracle."

Sure to inspire you to question your own ideas about sex and fidelity, THE MYTH OF MONOGAMY promises to be of interest to anyone who is even the least bit curious about human sexuality-in other words, just about everyone!
--このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。


"The "Myth of Monogamy" provides a fascinating tour of human mating strategies, from monogamy to sexual treachery, from exclusivity to polygamy. Barash and Lipton brilliantly locate human mating within the broader spectrum of mating strategies pursued by other species. The book is gripping from start to finish, solid in its science, and literary in its flair. It's one of the best books written about why humans covet, why commandments are broken, and why men and women get into deep conflicts over mating."
-- David M. Buss, Ph.D., author of "The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating" and "The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy is as Necessary as Love and Sex."
"I read this book cover to cover - like a novel - not wanting to put it down, not wanting to miss even one deliciously naughty insect or bird figuring out how to "have it all." The authors have written a smart, intriguing, witty, nonsexist, provocative yet careful book about the realities of both male and female anima --このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。


DAVID P. BARASH is professor of psychology at the University of Washington, Seattle. --このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)

動物学者。現在はワシントン大学心理学科教授。著書にMaking Sense of Sexほか多数。プレイボーイ誌やニューヨークタイムズなどにも論文を寄稿


松田 和也

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