
忘却からの帰還: 英国Guardian紙のインテリジェントデザインQ&A

What is intelligent design?

The theory of intelligent design says that life is so complex that it must have been designed by a higher intelligent being, and not evolved by natural selection - as Charles Darwin argued and the vast majority of scientists now believe. Followers argue that the scientific community is not as convinced by evolution as we are led to believe, and urge that we should be more critical in our consideration of evolution.

Is there any scientific evidence for intelligent design?

No. ない

Is there any scientific evidence for evolution?

There's an HIV strain mutating as you read this, there's a fossil record going back millions of years - where do you want to start?


So why do intelligent people believe in intelligent design?

Many Christians and Muslims see the theory of evolution as undermining belief in God - a view militant atheists, like Richard Dawkins, the bestselling British biologist, and the American philosopher Daniel Dennett, are also keen to promote. On the other hand there are plenty of distinguished scientists who believe in God - Lord Winston or the late Stephen Jay Gould, for instance. The mainstream churches, including the Catholic church and the Church of England accept evolution.
多くのキリスト教徒とイスラム教徒は、進化論をが神への信仰を徐々に蝕んでいくと思っている。英国のベストセラー生物学者Richard Dawkinsや米国の哲学者Daniel Dennettのような好戦的な無神論者が熱心に宣伝している見方であると。一方、Winston卿や今は亡きStephen Jay Gouldなどのように神を信じている著名な科学者も多くいる。カトリック教会や英国国教会のようなメインストリームの教会は進化論を認めている。


There is also a widespread misunderstanding that the process of evolution is somehow random and "God doesn't play dice". Mutation of genes is random, but there is nothing random about the operation of natural selection - if an organism isn't fit for purpose, it doesn't survive.
[Q&A: Intelligent Design --The theories behind intelligent design (2007/06/02) on Education Guardian]


とはいえ、「インテリジェントデザイン理論は、デザイナーを特定できない。従ってインテリジェントデザインの説明はこうなる。すべては未知のインテリジェントデザイナーが未知の方法で、不明な理由で、未知の時刻に、何かした」[ie. Pim van Meurs: "Just so stories"}といった記述もほしいところ。


Is intelligent design another name for creationism?

Intelligent design does share a number of similarities with creationism, and the phrase appears in several examples of creationist literature. They both argue that evolution is unable to account for the vast array of species, and both promote the concept of a designer.

There are differences. First, intelligent design accepts that the earth is millions of years old, not adhering to the creationist, biblically derived argument that the earth was created some 6,000 years ago.

But this was not enough to convince a court in Pennsylvania that intelligent design was scientific as opposed to a religious belief, and in 2005 schools in the town of Dover were banned from teaching it.

Intelligent design accepts that species do undergo small amounts of change, whereas creationists believe that all forms of life were created in their current form at the time of the earth's creation. However intelligent design claims that these changes are the result of a guiding hand, not the result of random genetic mutations and natural selection.

[Education Guardian]

インテリジェントデザインは45億歳という地球の年齢を認めているのではなく、時系列を研究対象としないだけ。地球の年齢を45億年とも6000歳とも言わない。これは、Dr. Michael Behe[2007]のように進化の時系列そのものは認めた上で、デザイナーの介入を主張する進歩的創造論あたりのポジションをとる人と、Paul Nelsonのような"若い地球の創造論者"たちが入り乱れているため。

また、"若い地球の創造論者"たちはノアの洪水の後に、自然選択によって急速に種形成が進んだと主張している[Answers in Genesis]。現在の形態で創造されたという主張を、創造論者たちは撤回してしまっている。

この後は、Education Guardianが英国の会社なので、英国の学校への創造論の侵入などについて書かれている。

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